How can you jump on the eco-friendly bandwagon and create your own personal rain garden? Here’s a step-by-step guide, courtesy of The Rain Garden Network. Read more:
Algae levels expected to be high in Lake Erie
Algae levels expected to be high in Lake ErieFor more than a decade, algae has become an annual summer concern for lovers of Lake Erie. And this year, while not the worst the region has seen, is shaping up to be a bad one.
Background drinking water testing before oil and gas development: What should a landowner do? | MSU Extension
Background drinking water testing before oil and gas development: What should a landowner do? | MSU ExtensionHomeowners concerned about potential impacts of nearby oil and gas development on their personal drinking water well should consider testing their wells before drilling begins to establish baseline data.
What’s In Your Drinking Water?
What's In Your Drinking Water? The liquid pharmacy that may be in your glass
Pure Genius: How Dean Kamen’s Invention Could Bring Clean Water To Millions
Pure Genius: How Dean Kamen's Invention Could Bring Clean Water To Millions He just needs to get it to them. An in depth article on bringing clean water to places in need.
Eco-friendly revamp of Lake St. Clair Metropark’s parking lot unveiled
Eco-friendly revamp of Lake St. Clair Metropark's parking lot unveiled- A rain shower Thursday at a ceremony marking completion of a storm water greenscape at Lake St. Clair Metropark gave attendees a first-hand demonstration of how it will work.
Friends of the Rouge: Friends of the Rouge Releases Spring Volunteer Monitoring Reports
Friends of the Rouge: Friends of the Rouge Releases Spring Volunteer Monitoring ReportsFriends of the Rouge has released two reports covering the results of the volunteer monitoring in the Rouge River Watershed. Four staff members from Arch Environmental Group participated in the event this year. [/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]
Ann Arbor Green Fair
Ann Arbor Green FairThe City of Ann Arbor is hosting the 14th Annual Mayor’s Green Fair on June 13th and June 14th. The event will feature exhibits, refreshments, children activities, live music and information on green projects and ways to get involved with local green projects! Please follow the link above for more information.